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December 26, 2011

How to Recycle Your Toothbrush

The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if you’re sick or the bristles become frayed. So what do you do with the brush when it can no longer clean your teeth? Dr. Pate suggests disinfecting your brush to prevent contaminating other areas, and trying these tips to make your old toothbrushes useful.

Around The House

Toothbrushes are useful cleaning tools because they can get into crevices that your sponge or rag cannot reach. The brush can clean between the bristles of your hairbrush or between the tongs of your forks. In addition, the long handle makes it easy to reach deep down into bottles or glasses. It’s also convenient to scrub grout and grime from the corners of kitchen and bathroom sinks. You’ve probably eaten while watching TV or using the computer, which leaves your buttons dirty and sticky.  A clean, dry brush can also help remove dust between keys on your remote control or computer keyboard.


December 20, 2011

What on Earth is a Tongue Scraper?

Though it sounds like a medieval torture tool, a tongue scraper is actually an effective oral hygiene aid. Even in ancient India and China, people cleaned their tongues to remove toxic debris. In the 1900s, people used tongue scrapers fashioned from ivory, silver, or tortoise shell.

Today, tongue scrapers are usually made of plastic, and most have a U-shaped head and a handle. However, some new toothbrushes feature a tongue scraper in the form of indentations on the back of the head, opposite the bristles. Floss or toothbrush bristles can also be used as a tongue scraper. (more…)

October 25, 2011

Straight Teeth at Any Age!

straight teeth adult braces

Everyone wants a beautiful smile. Showing off a smile with straight and healthy teeth boosts your confidence and self-image. Not only can your pearly whites make you feel better about yourself, but it can positively impact how other people see you. Many employers confirm that a nice smile is an advantage for potential job candidates. A vibrant smile speaks to one’s care for his or her health and an even row of teeth is indicative of dedication to personal appearance. If you want straighter teeth, you turn to your dentist or orthodontist for braces.

It used to be that wearing braces was something only children went through. We all probably know someone who had to wear them during their early teenage years, or you may have endured this ordeal yourself. If you had braces, you may remember the hassles of cleaning your teeth and the restriction on certain foods like candy and bubble gum. Perhaps you even dealt with some teasing from other children. That can be a lot to tolerate for straight teeth!

Today, teenagers aren’t the only ones who wear braces. Many adults are opting for orthodontic work.  Braces are much more popular. Technology has made great advances for cosmetic dentistry and has improved the techniques for how braces are applied. What’s more, there are braces that are not only essentially invisible, but can be removed for special occasions like weddings or family photos. One of the leaders in this type of orthodontia is the Invisalign approach.

Invisalign works against the inside surfaces of your teeth. The Invisalign system is made up of a series of clear aligners that can be removed if needed. Invisalign patients speak of the comfort and rave about the convenience. Fortunately for Buckhead and surrounding Atlanta residents, Dr. Peter Pate has been successfully straightening smiles with “invisible braces” for years.

If you have dreamed of a new smile, but have thought you’re too old or you cringe at the thought of a metal mouth, think again! There’s no reason you can’t have that award-winning smile. No one understands the importance of straight teeth and a beautiful smile better than Dr. Pate. Contact our office today at 404-266-9424 to schedule a consultation to explore your options. New patients are welcome and convenient financing solutions are also available.

October 22, 2011

Is It Wise to Pull Wisdom Teeth?

extraction of wisdom teeth

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? If you do, and they’re straight, you may or may not have any problems…yet.  Most people have their wisdom teeth removed as they begin to erupt—meaning as they break through the gum line. Long feared a painful event, and rightfully so, dentists admit, nearly 80% of the population has wisdom teeth extracted as they begin to break through.

Every year, millions of people have wisdom teeth removed that have no obvious sign of disease.  Routinely, dentists advise extraction at the early signs of wisdom teeth. Most individuals start to get their wisdom teeth between the ages of 16 and 25.

The “wisdom”—pardon the pun—behind this practice is generally endorsed for reasons of crowding, difficulty of reaching and cleaning the teeth and gums, the increased potential for infection and gum disease, and other problems down the road. Almost without exception, dentists are in favor of extracting wisdom teeth for these motives. Still, there are plenty of individuals whose wisdom teeth come in straight, without any problems. These folks are indeed the exception to the rule, earning peculiar bragging rights. But is it wise to keep extra teeth that will require the same care all teeth do?

Interestingly, some health experts are changing their opinion about extracting wisdom teeth before problems arise.  They contend the latent health risks of extracting wisdom teeth for preventive reasons outweigh anticipated problems.  Bottom line – each case is unique. 

If you have wisdom teeth coming in, or if you have a teenager with emerging wisdom teeth, visit Dr. Peter Pate for a consultation. Before you make any decisions, Dr. Pate can ascertain the progress of the teeth to help you make an informed choice of action. Call us at 404-266-9424 or request an appointment online. You would be wise to do so.

October 13, 2011

From Kings to Kids, Germs Aren’t Picky

periodontal disease

730 years ago, the famous Egyptian king, Ramses II, was a powerful leader but an extremely poor example of oral health.  Upon investigation, scientists postulate that the king died from heart disease that sprung directly from his rampant gum disease. His teeth can still be examined today, held in place by strong tartar buildup that holds them in like concrete. He did not brush and floss like he should have, which allowed plaque to build and harden into tartar. This resulted in an infection in his gums, or periodontal disease.

Did you know those germs in your mouth were so powerful?  It’s kind of scary, but it’s true. Our mouths are full of bacteria — up to 600 different kinds. The really dangerous strand is Streptococci mutans, which causes cavities. Unlike many body parts, teeth don’t shed an outer layer. It’s up to you to control oral bacteria and keep it from getting out of control, which could lead to dental problems and serious overall health issues. 

The germs that cause cavities do not discriminate based on your occupation or age –  you might be a king, an executive, or an elementary school student; they’ll overtake your mouth and destroy good oral health if you let them.  While cavities can seem rather innocuous, they are more serious than you might think. Letting cavities grow and harmful bacteria to flourish can allow infection to reach the brain.  In fact, in 2007, a 12-year-old boy in Maryland died from a tooth infection, which entered his bloodstream and eventually reached his brain. S. mutans  also cause bad breath and, even worse, gum disease. Also known as periodontal disease, gum disease increases the risk for heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes complications, and the list goes on. Look at Ramses II.  Gum disease can be fatal.

To reduce the potential for cavities and gum disease, you have to brush, floss, and attend regularly scheduled checkups and cleanings.   Not only will this approach give you fresh breath and save your teeth, it might just save your life.

Set an appointment with Dr. Peter Pate in the Buckhead community.  Call 404-266-9424, or contact us online to schedule your visit. Located in Buckhead, our Atlanta dental office serves many local families from all around the metropolitan area.

October 1, 2011

Should You Use Mouthwash?

Dr. Pate often recommends the use of mouthwash, as does the American Dental Association, but mouthwash is really a matter of preference. Brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and attending regularly scheduled checkups and cleanings are tasks you should count as mandatory for your oral health.  Mouthwash isn’t a must, but it does help control oral bacteria. It also makes your breath minty fresh, and some varieties reduce the risk for gum disease and cavities.

Here are a few interesting facts on the use of mouthwash:

  • A recent study suggests that using alcohol-free mouthwash could help prevent pre-term births. Learn more.
  • Some studies suggest that regular, prolonged use of mouthwash with alcohol may increase the risk for oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Learn more.
  • Prescription strength chlorhexidine mouthwash reduces plaque by 55% and gingivitis by 30 to 45%. Learn more.
  • Listerine, an antimicrobial mouth rinse made with essential oils, is the most effective over-the-counter mouthwash to fight plaque. Learn more. (more…)

September 20, 2011

The Toothbrush: Small Tool with a Big Impact

Did you know that some form of the toothbrush has been around for nearly 5,000 years?  You might not even recognize these ancient brushes, as the bristles were made of unique materials such as hog’s hair, twigs and bamboo. The first modern-looking toothbrush was invented in 1948 in China. Over the average lifetime, this little invention gets a lot of attention from us. We spend about 38.5 days brushing our teeth! With this in mind, Dr. Pate and his team would like to share some tips with you, whether you’re choosing a new toothbrush or altering your brushing technique.

Regardless of your preference for manual, powered, pink, or blue (the most popular color), the key is to choose a soft bristle brush that fits comfortably in all areas of your mouth. The ADA recommends disposing of your toothbrush every 3-4 months, or sooner if the bristles are worn. After all, your brush won’t clean your teeth properly with flattened or bent bristles. Children typically will need to replace their toothbrushes more frequently.

Toothbrushes usually have about 2,000 bristles. For the best clean, hold the brush at a 45-degree angle towards the gum line while using short gentle strokes to cover each surface of the tooth. Dr. Pate suggests brushing for at least two minutes for an effective cleaning. Don’t forget your tongue! Giving it a scrub down will help to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.

There has long been a vital connection between a healthy body and a healthy mouth. It’s a good idea to toss your toothbrush after a bacterial infection such as strep throat. Always allow your brush to air dry after each use, and keep it separate from other people’s toothbrushes. Whether you have natural teeth or dentures, bacteria likes to lurk in the mouth. NEVER use someone else’s toothbrush!

Dr. Peter Pate and his team are always here to answer questions or offer tips for a healthy smile. To schedule your family’s dental cleanings, please call our Atlanta dentist office, Dentistry in Buckhead, at 404-226-9424.

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